Thursday, March 6, 2008


I really should be cleaning, but I'm really not in the mood. I just got back from running some errands and Bible study and I would love to be watching Design on a Dime right now. But I think that maybe I watch too much TV. Nate's gone working on a job and I'm just hanging out with my doggies. Today during Bible Study everyone was talking about how they experience the Joy of God when hanging out with their children. Since I have none, I was thinking how do I feel that joy. Well there are several things that make me feel God's love but honestly as silly as it may seem...This guy makes my heart smile and me feel so much joy I can hardly stand it. God sure knew what He was doing when he made pets....And I love mine more than is probably normal!



jenora joy said...

I should be cleaning as well, or maybe starting dinner, but instead, here I am. I think there are lots of similarities between kiddos and pets – both Monty and Isaac follow me around the house all day, they both need to be fed and cleaned up after, they share toys (to my dismay), we all have family cuddle time on mornings when Leighton doesn’t have to work early and just wake up slow and at this age I bet Isaac would even eat poop if he wasn’t being watched …

Amber said...

He is a cute little pup!

Trudy said...

I totally understand Chels I feel the same way about my puppies.
When can we have lunch? I need to get my candles and measuring cup girlfriend.

Trudy said...
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