Dear Family and Friends,
By now many of you have probably heard some rumors about me and Nathan. This email is to let you all know what is actually going on.
Most of you probably knew that Nathan and I had a very difficult year last year. Nathan had started a business and was living his dream! And then some really awful things happened and that dream was taken from him. He attempted to start a new company doing the same type of work, however in the current Arizona housing market, that was quite difficult.
I have been trying to make up the difference of him working by working a lot of extra shifts and doing a lot more activities in my unit to try and bring in more of an income. However, I have become really run down and burned out and Nathan and I realized we couldn't keep living like this.
So we prayed for a solution and one finally came. A job offer for Nate in Colorado. Its a great job for him with so many opportunities for advancement. The company flew us up there to check things out and I interviewed at the Denver Children's Hospital. I loved it!!! So this opportunity became one for me as well.
The moral of the story is we are moving!! I know this may be a shock to some of you and believe me it was a very hard decision. We really feel that it is where God wants us to be and we are willing to step out in faith to find out for sure. I would love to have called you all individually and explained the situation, but Nathan leaves on April 27th and I have to get our whole house packed up so we can get some renters in here!!!
We would sincerely appreciate your prayers and support as we take a huge leap. We are terrified and excited, nervous and at peace all in the same moment. We understand that to our family and friends this is a sad thing, and I promise we are grieiving as well. We love our home and we love Arizona. But we really feel that we need to do this.
I won't be leaving for a little while and trust me before I go we will have a big going away party so I can see you all and spend some time with you. And lets just be honest, I love a good party!!
We love you all,
Chels and Nate
The Latest
8 years ago
Well now you are really going to have to keep up with your blog so you can keep people updated on your new adventure :)
Wow...what an adventure! I am excited for you guys!
Hadn't heard this yet.... So glad God provided this wonderful opportunity and good luck to you guys!!!
I love you guys so much! Check our blog, we have big news too. Change, it is scary and fun all at the same time. We are praying for you! I am glad you have a blog to keep us posted. Hugs, Trudy
I prob haven't expressed this as much as I feel, but I am really SAD you guys are leaving. I'm selfish. I loved living closer and going to BS together and watching you and Nathan interact with the boys. We will all miss you lots.
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